
Project Eligibility Test
  1. GEF Operational Programme Fit test: Does the project concept fit within one of the GEF- SGP’s focal areas and associated Operational Programmes (OPS)
  2. Global Significance test: Does the concept involve globally significant bio-diversity, transboundry international water resources, or the reduction of greenhouse gas emission?
  3. National Priority test: Is your idea “Country Driven” and proposed area nationally significant?
  4. Co-funding test: Does your idea attract other funding partner?
  5. Portfolio test: Has any similar initiative already been funded by the GEF in your area?
Project Eligibility Guidelines

The following guidelines will be used as a basis for considering the eligibility of a project for SGP grant support.

1. GEF Focal Area

The SGP in Nepal supports NGO/CBO projects in the GEF focal areas of biodiversity and climate change.

i) Biodiversity Conservation Focal Area

(Projects will be eligible provided that they support or promote the conservation or sustainable use and management of biological resources in arid and semi-arid ecosystems; coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems; forest ecosystems; or mountain ecosystems.)

  • OP1 - Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems
  • OP2 - Costal, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
  • OP3 - Forest Ecosystems
  • OP4 - Mountain Ecosystems
  • OP13 - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity Important to Agriculture

ii) Climate Change Focal Area

(Projects will be eligible provided that they contribute to removing the cultural, institutional, technical and economic barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency and promote accessible, sustainable, climate-friendly technologies and measures in a locality or region.)

  • OP11 - Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Transport
  • OP5 - Removal of Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
  • OP6 - Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy by Removing Barriers and Reducing Implementation Costs

iii) International water:

  • OP8 - Water body-based Operational Program
  • OP9 - Integrated Land and Water Multiple Focal Area Operational Program
  • OP10 - Contaminant-Based Operational Program

iv) Land Degradation :

  • OP15 - Operational Program on Sustainable Land Management

v) Persistent Organic Pollutants :

  • OP14 - Draft Elements of an Operational Program for Reducing and Eliminating Releases of Persistent Organic Pollutants

2. Global Importance

i) Biodiversity Focal Area:

The category that best describes the biodiversity focus of the project is:

  • Genetic
  • Species
  • Fauna
  • Flora
  • Ecosystem/Habitat

ii) Climate Change Focal Area:

The category below that best describes the outputs of the project is:

  • Removing barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency.
  • Promoting adoption of renewable energy.

3. National Priority

i) Does the project address a priority area as defined in a current or proposed national policy, strategy or action plan?

ii) If the project addresses the biodiversity focal area (refer to your response in the GEF Focal Area section above), the geographic focus of the project is:

  • Mountain range.
  • Watershed and water catchment area.
  • Wetlands.

4. Community Participation

i) The local community in or around the project site will participate in the project at the level of:

  • Planning and design.
  • Management.
  • Implementation.
  • Monitoring and evaluation.
  • Other related levels.

ii) The local community in or around the project site will benefit from the project through:

  • Direct income-generating opportunities.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Indirect income-generating opportunities.
  • Community services.
  • Information/education/awareness.
  • Other related levels.

5. Sustainability

  1. A business plan has been/is being/will be prepared for the project?
  2. On completion of the SGP support, is the project likely to be sustained by non-SGP resources?
  3. If yes, the sustainability of the project is likely to be supported in future by?

6. Sustainable Livelihood

Would the project result in the creation or strengthening of sustainable livelihood opportunities for poorer community members through income generation and access to basic living necessities?

7. Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the project will be predominantly:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Middle-aged
  • Senior citizens
  • Urban
  • Rural

8. Co-Funding

The project:

  • Will be co-funded?
  • Will not be co-funded?
  • Has potential for co-funding?

9. GEF Project Complementary

i) The project complements an existing or planned GEF project?

  • Large GEF project?
  • Medium-Size GEF project?

ii) The focal area and intervention the relevant GEF project?

10. UNDP Country Programme Complementary

  1. The project complements an existing or proposed UNDP programme or SGP project intervention in Nepal ?
  2. The focal area and thrust of the relevant UNDP or SGP intervention?
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