SGP will award Full Grants not exceeding US$ 50,000 per project to the selected project. SGP National Steering Committee (NSC) will be authorized to select the proposal submitted to the SGP National Coordinator.

The proposal should not be more than 10 to 20 pages and the content should include:
  • Project title, name of organization, mailing address, contact person, Tel/Fax No.
  • Detail of bank account (account title, type of account, account number and name of bank and address)
  • Project location (District and VDC, Village etc)
  • GEF focal area (s)
  • GEF operational programme (s)
  • Information on Implementing Agency
  • Experience in GEF focal areas
  • Project implementation period and starting date
  • Describe the country's policy, priorities and national environmental strategy relevant to the project
  • Project goals or objectives (GEF-SGP focal objective)
  • Project rationale for GEF funding
  • Specify local and regional conditions that have given rise to the global environmental threat and the project's approach to addressing the causes of threat.
  • Methods and approaches of programme implementation
  • Planned outputs (tangible outputs only) and anticipated results of the project
  • Most important activities to achieve the planned outputs (Work plan)
  • Stakeholders/Partners involvement
  • Project participants and beneficiaries
  • Summarize the major factors (assumptions and risks) that influence the project success.
  • Communication and outreach strategy to be adopted
  • Co- financing strategies
  • Monitoring and evaluation arrangements (Mechanisms for assessing performance)
  • Sustainability measures to be undertaken
  • Previous awards received under GEF-SGP, if any

Itemised budget (operation costs generally not more than 15-25% of the total grant requested). Estimated total cost (specify NGO and/or community contribution in cash or kind, if any; and the amount expected from other sources or collaborators, if any). Estimated budget to run the project (in US$ or Rs.):

Budget Rs. US$
Requested budget from GEF-SGP 0 0
Implementing NGO's own source 0 0
Co-financing agencies or contributors 0 0
Others if any 0 0
Total 0 0

Any other information that may be useful to GEF-SGP

Please also fill up and do not forget to attach the Project Summary as following:

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